How can I use VLOOKUP to match two columns? VLOOKUP is a statistical method that is used to find a match. However, the basic syntax for VLOOKUP does not work when you want to find matches in more than one column. For example, you might need to find a match in a Movie column, but not a match in a Showtime column. To overcome this, you can change the formula so that it matches both columns.
The asterisk (*) represents any number of characters. If the values in column A and column B have the same number, the formula returns the name of the company in column B. Otherwise, it returns the #N/A error. The ISERROR function returns TRUE if the VLOOKUP value returns an error, and FALSE if there is no error. You can use this formula to filter a row containing only names that match the criteria.
Another way to use VLOOKUP is to add a new column containing the names of the staff members. This will allow you to return a list of the employees and products sold in each month. In this example, a salesperson named George Eddy would appear on the worksheet, and the company would be shown on the other side. In addition to the staff names, the formula for a match in a column is defined as A2:A16 and B2:B16.
The VLOOKUP function requires a helper column. The helper column needs to be the first column. The values in column B must match the values in column D. In contrast, HLOOKUP requires the same arguments but searches in rows instead of columns. This is an example of how VLOOKUP works. This function is extremely helpful for matching data sets. You can use it to quickly find a match in a table.
In the VLOOKUP Advanced Sample file, you will see a row for each salesperson. Each salesperson has a unique row that lists the products sold in January. The VLOOKUP function returns an array of matches and missing values. In the example file, you can select three salespeople for the Sales Team. When you click Ctrl+Shift+Enter, Excel will recognize this formula as an array formula.
If you need to search for multiple columns, you can use the SUMIFS function instead. It does not have to be the first column but it is a better option if you want to match multiple columns. It accepts 6 arguments and is used for multiple-column lookups. SUMIFS is the most flexible approach as it doesn’t break when you insert a new column between the return and lookup columns.
You can also use the VLOOKUP function to search for two columns at once. This function allows you to compare columns in different data sheets. The VLOOKUP function can also be customized for specific tasks. The VLOOKUP formula can save you a lot of time, especially when you are working with large amounts of data. By making use of VLOOKUP, you can perform this task in less than half the time it would otherwise take.